Focusing on the Warrior not the wounds


What We’re Doing

East Coast Tour - Day 1

Great day Wednesday.  Started the morning with a meeting at Special Operations Command (Bluegrass Station) Lexington KY.  Met with a rep from NISH, 3 Lockheed Martin Program Managers, and the SOC Contracting Officer.  We're all working to bring Wounded Warriors to support SOC requirements.  They are all very enthusiastic about our opportunities to support the Command.  After discussing the work of Able Forces and the support we provide our Warriors, the contracting officer said, "I want you to understand this, I have never said this to any contractor but I would love to work for Able Forces!".  What a wonderful compliment on the work we do.

In the afternoon we met with Paul Green, OEF/OIF Advocate and Therapist at VA Medical Center Lexington.  He is establishing contacts with a number of Wounded Warrior care givers that will be very important in our support of upcoming contracts at Bluegrass and Ft. Knox (upcoming help desk support I'll talk about later).  He could not have been more supportive of our work and is very enthusiastic about our bringing a "very needed" WW training center to Lexington.

Now starting Day 2 and meeting a large group of WW Advocates at VA Medical Center Louisville, then traveling south to Ft. Knox for a meeting a the Warrior Transition Command, followed up by a meeting with L3-MPRI outside the gates of Ft. Knox.  Another busy day.

Skip Rogers