you can make a difference this holiday
Welcome to the Annual Adopt-A-Warrior Family For Chrismas Program!
This is the largest charity program we sponsor each year and we expect to take care of hundreds of children and dozens of military and veteran families in the Washington DC Metro area who would otherwise go without a Christmas. Families are drawn from Quantico Marine Corps Base, Ft. Belvoir, Walter Reed, VA Medical Center (Washington DC/Martinsburg WV), and dozens of military/veteran-focused non-profit organziations.
For various reasons many of our Warrior families find themselves in financial crisis, especially during the holiday season. To give back, Able Forces is once again sponsoring the Adopt-A-Warrior Family Christmas Program.
As in years past, Able Forces will adopt families from each of the five Military Service branches and veteran organizations. All adopted families are identified and referred to AFF by advocates who substantiate financial need.
Based on each family’s need, support could include:
• A Christmas Tree
• Complete Christmas Dinner (for up to 8)
• Stocking Stuffers
• Presents for the Entire Family, including Mom & Dad.
Able Forces will provide each child up to five gifts. Able Forces will provide gift cards to cover all costs to support a family’s Holiday.
100% of all donations go directly to support this program. There are no administrative or overhead fees taken out of donations.
All donations contributed between 1 November and Christmas will go directly to support this program.
Also, if you use Amazon for Christmas (or whatever) you can sign up for Amazon Smile (no cost!!) and a percentage of every purchase will go the charity of your choice. Maybe think about Able Forces Foundation as your Charity of choice.
We appreciate all the years of support for this special program. Many blessings to you and your family this holiday season.